The Best Basketball Advice You Will Read

The Best Basketball Advice You Will Read

A great way to understand the game of basketball is to read about tips that the pros use in order to make them great. Maybe you’re here because you would like to incorporate those tips into your own game? If so, you’re in luck because the following article has great tips from the professionals.

When you are dribbling the ball, be sure that you are doing so with your head up. If you have your eyes on the ball instead while you are dribbling it, you cannot keep an eye on those defending you. This could lead to them stealing the ball away from you.

Practice your free throws as often as you can. Free throws in basketball can turn the tide of a game. They are your opportunity to score points with clear views of the basket. You should aim to land at least 80% of the free throws you take. Great free throw shooters can top 90%.

When you are playing in a game, try your best to forget your misses. Nothing good can come from you dwelling on the last shot you missed or the last 20 you missed. Each shot is a new opportunity to score. Stay clam and keep trying even if you miss a few. Dwelling on the miss will lead to you overreacting and missing even more.

Shake things up rather than focusing solely on a zone defense. Usually, a big part of the game is probably going to be in zone; however, the opposing team can suddenly switch to man-to-man to catch you off guard. You might lose your control of the court if the other team use this technique, unless you are ready for this possibility.

A good tip about passing is try doing it without dribbling the ball. Playing the game without the use of dribbling is a challenge, but it can help you and your team learn to make more precise passes. Don’t be frustrated by how hard it is at first; you will get used to it.

Learn how to be patient and trust your teammates during games. Many players fall into the trap of not passing the ball and trying to do it all themselves. You need to trust them and pass the ball. This is a team sport and passing is part of what helps your team win games.

Stay low when playing defense. Keep your shoulders lower than the offensive player you are guarding will give you a better chance of moving more quickly. A lower stance will help you play the ball as well. Try to remain about an arm’s length away. When you get too far away, the other player can shoot easily.

Make better passes through the use of coordinated hand signals. It can be frustrating to attempt to pass the ball to a team mate as that person is heading toward the basket. Hand signals help ensure that the player is ready to take the ball. If there is no signal, the player should not make the pass to them.

Never leave the practice court without taking some practice shots. Do some free throws, lay-ups and 3-point throws every practice before you leave. Of course you are doing some shooting during practice, but this additional practice will help you in the long run. Keep practicing your shooting on a daily basis.

Learning new tips about how to better your basketball playing skills is easy when you’ve got great information to follow. Luckily the article you just read offered simple ideas to help improve up your own playing skills. The only way to get better is through practice, and now that you just learned from the best, go out and hit the courts!